Tuesday, November 10, 2015


I have felt an outpouring of love these past few weeks. A perfect example of loving more!

My sissy-poo Katie came to visit me just when I needed some love from home the very most. She has that thing where she always knows when I need her, and she shows up! We had sooooooooo much fun! We saw Jem and the Holograms which was AMAZING! And we were the only people in the whole theater, so we were obnoxiously fun.

 We got to swim in a pool of corn. A POOL OF CORN! Corn's my favorite, in case you didn't know. We went on a hay ride and through a corn maze, and to see the High Trestle Trail Bridge. I had a much needed week getting my soul revitalized. Skate is simply the very best.


I got a package almost every day last week. If there is anything I love the most, it is unexpected packages in the mail. 

My bestie-estie Emily sent me a box full of sunshine. My Grandpa and his wife DeDe sent me a box full of things they bought on QVC in a QVC box. (It all also said Merry Christmas. I'm worried about some forgetfulness. :/) My little sister sent me her in a box: candy and $1 for a frosty bev, and my mom send the best gift of all! Her note said that she couldn't think of anything to give me that I hadn't already given myself (true story, I buy all the things) and wrote me this beautiful book chronicling my life and all the of the times a miracle has occurred that has kept me alive. Spoiler alert: It's happened a bunch of times. It was sweet and wonderful and reminded me why my mom is the best ever!

The week was filled with the silliest shopping trips, public readings of hilarious books, floating around a clothing store like a bird, TWO cakes, and a trip and overnight stay at the oldest funeral home in Iowa.

It was simultaneously the most fun and the ickiest thing I have ever done. I went with my beauties from the office, and my beauties that I interpret with. It was a night filled with weirdness, laughter, accents, and karaoke. And they gave me a gavel. Basically the perfect storm for a great birthday!

I have realized that no matter where I go I am surrounded by love. The people here in Iowa have embraced me totally and completely. I couldn't survive without daily contact with my family. My friends back in Utah as well as D.C., Maryland, and Virginia are always there even when they're not physically there. I have friends all over the country that I love and appreciate. And I have decided to love and appreciate them more.

I have found myself saying more often than not, that the move to Iowa made it so I don't have a support system. I am finally starting to realize that a support system can look many ways. It doesn't have to be people that are in close proximity. It can be anyone that reaches out. As I have struggled through the last few years, I have had many, many, MANY people reach out to me.

My vow for the next year is to be the person that reaches out.


  1. I love you! This is the best gift you could have shared with me.

  2. I love you! This is the best gift you could have shared with me.

  3. This is the best gift you could have ever shared with me. I love you!

  4. That book from your mama sounds amazing. Love you, bunches!
